Lila DiPasqua
Lila DiPasqua
Lila DiPasqua
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My Guest, Mr. Hendrix!

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Mr. DiPasqua:  We’re back!  The A MIDNIGHT DANCE BLOG PARTY is in full swing once more! My special RH guest today is Mr. Hendrix!
Welcome to the A MIDNIGHT DANCE Blog Party, Mr. Hendrix. Can you tell us who you’re married to and what she writes?

Mr. Hendrix:  Yes. Yes, I can.

I’m married to Lisa Hendrix, most recently the author of the ongoing Immortal Brotherhood series of paranormal-historical romances for Berkley. In the past she’s written contemporary and western romances, as well.

Whew. I hope all the questions are this easy.

Mr. DiPasqua:  It’s great to have another Berkley author! Lila writes for Berkley, too. Your wife’s fans would like to know the RH (Romance Husband) behind the author better. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Scholar? Athlete? Businessman? Artist?

Mr. Hendrix:  Hi, I’m Dave, and I’m a nerd. Did one of you bring coffee?

I’m an IT guy by day and independent software developer by night, and thus pretty much a fellow of just a single dimension.

My formative years were spent growing up in Southeast Alaska, so I only enjoy the outdoors if it’s cool, damp, and overcast. Tromping through the woods on 100+ degree summer days trying not to step on rattlesnakes just doesn’t have the same appeal. I much prefer walking through a lush, quiet, moss-covered rain forest, canoeing in a glacier-fed river, or sailing on salt water.

Apparently I’m also not very bright because we have nothing like that where we now live.

Mr. DiPasqua:  LOL. Where did you and your wife meet? What convinced you that she was “the one”?

Mr. Hendrix:  Hmm… I don’t know if I can tell that story that goes with the first question. Readers may be shocked. Or not.

We met and became friends while she was a student of my first wife, who was a part-time belly dancing instructor.

A few years later, after my first wife and I had divorced, Lisa finished a second round of college and was passing through Portland where I was living at the time. She needed a place to stay for a little while until she started a new job teaching English in Japan, and I had a spare room.

Things got more serious after she returned from that teaching job, and we’ll have been married 23 years as of next month.

What convinced me she was the one? Well, the belly dancing outfit sure didn’t hurt, but she doesn’t wear that very often. Or at least not when I’m at home. There are lots of excuses about it being too uncomfortable to be conducive to writing, and how it gets in the way while shopping. When she goes to the coffee shop to write, I think the baristas try to get her to use the fancy coin belt to help them make change.

Sorry, back to the question. There were lots of other things, too. She laughs at my jokes, and sometimes tolerates my lack of focus when answering questions.

She isn’t afraid of technology.

She doesn’t mind that when I cook, I start by sautéing onions and garlic, even before looking to see what else we might have on hand. Oh, and she actually eats what I cook, even when I’m being “creative”.

If I had to pick just one thing that made me fall in love, though, I’d say it’s her big, beautiful brain.

Mr. DiPasqua:  Where can I get one of those coin belts?  Sure beats having a pocket full of change. Great Story!  Where were you when she got THE CALL from her agent/editor? What was your reaction when she told you she’d sold her first book?

Mr. Hendrix:  Hmm… That’s a tough one. I’m sure I was at work when she got THE CALL.

It happened a few years ago. I know she got a serious strong request for the book while at a local RWA conference, but of course they didn’t actually commit to buying at that point—that came later, after the obligatory, nerve-wracking waiting period. I know it was after our son was born, but before our daughter came along, but all that kid stuff in the intervening years seems to have blurred some of the details. Probably just for me, though – I’m sure she remembers exactly who was where, and what they said.

I do know I was pretty excited, though possibly not quite as much as she.

I was naïvely hoping it meant I could immediately retire to be her research assistant. Do a lot of travelling: scout locations, sample local cuisine, drink with the natives to get a sense of the place. You know, that kind of stuff. I’d phone in reports from the field while she stayed home to write.

As it happened, though, the first book was a historical western, so it was going to be a bit more complicated. Did I mention that I’m not a fan of rattlesnakes?

Anyway, I’ve been working on the time machine ever since. So far, I’ve figured out how to go forward in time, but only a little bit, and I have the grey hair to prove it. I’m confident I’ll be able to travel back in time, too. I actually had grey hair at my temples in high school, which must be some kind of proof. I didn’t spend that long in fourth grade, even if it felt like it.

After she finishes this series, I’m hoping that the next one involves a lot of time on a sailboat visiting places with tasty tropical drinks, so I can be ready for that next cover shoot. I’ll be one of the big white reflectors the photographer uses to reduce shadows on the models.

Mr. DiPasqua:  I think all RH’s have had that “retirement” dream.  Is the hero in your wife’s last book:
a) Just like you;
b) The opposite of you;
c) You wish it were you;
d) More like Mr. May in the NYC Firefighter calendar.

Mr. Hendrix:  Oh, definitely answer “a” — just like me. A cursed warrior, spending half his time in human form, the rest of the time as a bull…

Sorry. Make that “b” — the opposite of me. A non-cursed, non-warrior, spending half of my time in a non-human form, and the rest of my time as a non-bull…

Wait, what was the question? I’ll take “Wrong Answers” for a thousand, Alex.

Mr. DiPasqua: On your first date with your wife, were you most like:
a) Prince Charming;
b) Prince (bad boy) Harry;
c) The Artist formally known as Prince;
d) Prince, the family pet.

Mr. Hendrix:  Uh oh. Probably “e” – the one that’s in the deep trouble right now, because I’m not sure I can actually remember what constituted our first date.

It could have been a visit to Casa-U-Betcha for tacos, followed by a stop at the Blue Moon Tavern, and coffee and dessert at Papa Haydn’s in Northwest Portland. Or it could have been going to listen to a friend play classical guitar at the Rimsky-Korsakoffee House. It was definitely in Portland. Or that pub that had the really good Irish Coffee and hard cider near Beaverton. Or maybe it was Lake Oswego.

Oregon for sure.

I’m struggling here because I’m not quite sure when things changed from just being friends going out to actually “dating” as a couple. Things just sort of evolved, which in retrospect seems like the way things were supposed to happen.

We still drink espresso. I’m sure that’s because of our romantic beginning, not because either of us actually is addicted to caffeine.

So, which Prince? Sorry, no clue. Is there a Prince of the Royal Order of the Espresso Bean or something?

Mr. DiPasqua: Nowadays when you hear the word “ball” do you immediately think:
a) Baseball
b) Basketball
c) An uncontrollable weeping reaction of fans upon meeting your wife in person?
d) A gathering of lords and ladies.

Mr. Hendrix:  Ball? Ball!

I’d have to go with answer “e” again – none of the above.

Our daughter just got a new puppy, so “ball!” means playing fetch. I’m still having trouble with the whole concept of bringing the ball back, though I usually do chase it when she throws… I think the pup and I are both learning at about the same rate.

Mr. DiPasqua: How long have you been a RH? (Romance Husband). What advice would you give new RH’s about what you’ve learned being married to a romance author? What should a new RH do or not do when his wife is under deadline?

Mr. Hendrix:  I’ve been an RH for 23 years. Even though Lisa wasn’t a published Romance Writer when we were first married, she’s always been a writer.

Advice? You could be barking up the wrong lily pad, here. It seems like every writer is different. Sometimes very, very different. I do have a couple of suggestions, though.

It’s important to remember that she’s a writer all the time – not just when she’s at the computer or sitting with a pen in hand. I’m not saying that just because she might find a way to immortalize something stupid you might eventually do in a book (in a completely anonymized way, of course). I’ve never heard of that happening.

Writers do get lost in their own world, though. A lot. After all, they’re the ones creating everything in it.

Just because they’re watching television it doesn’t mean they aren’t creating. It’s apparently about a lot more than typing. Who knew?

They’re always writing the current book, or the next one, or the one after that. They hear voices, too. There seem to be lots of voices in there we husbands don’t usually get to hear until they come out in print, and many of them I certainly wouldn’t have guessed were in there. If you’re new to this, prepare to be amazed.

(Aside to fellow husbands: just because she doesn’t seem to be paying attention, don’t assume that this would be the best time to tell her that you’ve put in an order for that custom sailboat she always wanted – even if it really is for her. Which it definitely isn’t, because you know she’d never settle for letting you finalize the sail handling systems on her sailboat.)

In the case of my writer – and perhaps for most writers –it seems that one of the keys to good writing is being a constant, keen observer and having something to observe. If there’s nothing exciting going on, don’t be surprised if she feels the need to verbally poke some random couple next to you in the restaurant just to see a reaction she can use later in some book.

Also don’t freak out when she starts filling a bookcase with titles like “The Writer’s Guide to Poisons…” and “How to Murder Your Nerd”. If she wanted you dead, she certainly wouldn’t be leaving them on bookcases where you could see them.

(Ignore the previous paragraph if the interview happens to be published posthumously.)

In some parts of the programming world there’s this idea that you can often solve hard problems by explaining them to a sock puppet. It doesn’t have to be an actual sock puppet – almost any inanimate object with some kind of recognizable face will do, and even another live human will suffice as last resort. Talk to the puppet out loud, and describe the problem in every detail.

It’s surprising how often you’ll come up with the solution you needed to find. Even if, and perhaps especially if – the puppet doesn’t talk back.

What does this have to do with the care and feeding of your writer?

Sometimes, you’re going to just need to be the sock puppet.

It’s amazing how helpful it can be to just shut up and listen. I don’t mean that kind of listening you probably learned how to fake in school – that kind where you listened to the teacher just enough so you would be able to repeat the previous bit of the lesson if you’re called on. That won’t cut it. This is full-contact, no-holds-barred, active listening. Yes, it matters.

Here’s where the sock puppet metaphor changes, though. Your writer has to be able to tell that you’re actually listening and paying attention, and thinking about what she’s saying — not just sitting like a lump. Put down the remote, stuff the sock puppet in your mouth if necessary, and listen.

Again, in the case of my writer, once in a long while it might be acceptable to actually answer a question if it’s asked – but it’s hard to know in which instances that will work. Depending on how close your writer is to the deadline, it might also be okay to throw some suggestions out there that you know won’t help if there’s a problem she’s not getting past. It may distract her enough to let her come up with a completely different idea that could actually work.

But I wouldn’t bet on it, and I’d always be ready to beat a hasty retreat to the kitchen to make a couple of cappuccinos.

Oh, and remember it’s not always about you. That’s good advice in almost every situation.

So, on to “what should a new Romance Husband do or not do when his wife is under deadline?”

Uh… Jeepers. First of all, hang on. It might be a bumpy ride.

There are some obvious things you can do to help, and staying out of the way is a really good start.

Any grown man ought to be able to cook, do the dishes, and know how to find and use the washer and dryer. Maybe you resort to picking up dinner on the way home. If you can’t stand the sight of a kitchen floor that hasn’t been mopped, you’d better figure out how to do it yourself. I would not, however, recommend trying to use this as a way to justify purchase of more power tools.

If you’re not at least trying to help out with some of the basics you may find that much more than the deadline is missed, and that copy of “…Guide To Poisons…” spends a LOT less time on the bookshelf.

Deservedly so. Buck up, dude.

There are also some things you shouldn’t do, but the ones I know of are so obvious that I hesitate to mention them, and they don’t just apply to writers. (Deadlines are particularly bad times to ignore these, however.)

Don’t forget to tell her that your parents mentioned that they are going to be visiting for a week, and that you didn’t get time off from work while they’re going to be staying with you.

Don’t forget that you really need to be on the 5:10 ferry home so you can be the one to take the kids to baseball/soccer/fencing.

Don’t forget that you told her you’d pick up the mail at the post office, or get the groceries, go to the bank, or get the kids from school.

I guess a lot of it comes down to not forgetting stuff. Not that any of these have ever actually happened to anyone I’ve ever known.

If she wants you to proofread, by all means, help if you can. It turns out that I’m fairly worthless as a proofreader, and haven’t been asked to help in that way for a couple of books now. Maybe it’s just Lisa’s storytelling, but I miss a lot of fairly basic stuff because I get completely drawn in by the story and can’t turn the pages fast enough. I think I got fired for completely missing duplicated paragraphs or something that should have been similarly obvious.

Most of this is just common sense, and if you don’t have it I probably can’t help you there. You will survive, learn, and get better over time, or the rest of us will be talking about you and that book of poisons again.

Sometimes you’ll both have major deadlines at the same time. This isn’t nearly as much fun.

Because this will eventually happen, I recommend that you start including your children (if any) in these shared responsibilities as soon as they’re able to tag along. Being able to raid the fridge to make their own banana, pickle, and pizza sandwich is an important skill, and they’re going to have to learn it eventually. You might also start petitioning your state to lower the minimum driving age to eight so they can get themselves to swimming lessons.

It’s a cliché, but bringing home chocolate sometimes really might help. Unless she’s also on a diet, in which case you’re probably doomed.

Mr. DiPasqua:  All great advice!  I think I’m going to add it to my Note To Self list.  Okay, you know I have to go there . . . What’s your response when asked, “So where does your wife get the inspiration for her love scenes?” (Usually by a guy smirking.)

Mr. Hendrix:  Strangely enough, I’ve only been asked that a couple of times. It’s been quite a while, but the most recent episode did involve definite smirking. It was from a guy that had just spent the previous few minutes making sure I knew what kind of a sports car he drove.

I’ve got nothing against nice cars (though Lisa has made it clear that I’m never allowed to buy another Jaguar, ever again, but I will not tell that story.) No, my only beef is with people who drive them for the wrong reason.

Unfortunately, this fellow also had complained that he was still having trouble getting dates. I don’t remember what I said, but it wasn’t a very long conversation, and we never really became good buddies.

I guess if you actually feel compelled to dignify the question with an answer, something along the lines of “…the really kinky stuff is what I passed along to her from your Mom…” might be appropriate.

Mr. DiPasqua:  LOL!!  Which character in your wife’s books would she say most resembles you and/or your personality?

Mr. Hendrix:  Ah, now we’re to the REALLY tough questions…

It’s possible that I’m not qualified to answer this because, as an ID-badge-wearing-nerd, I’m not allowed to have a personality. By law.

I’ll ask her in a minute, but what I hope she’d say would be the character of Finn in “To Marry an Irish Rogue”. He wasn’t the lead, but there are a number of us that think he deserves his own book.

Bzzt. Wrong answer, apparently. At least the “deserves his own book” part was right.

Her first answer was a minor character – “Digger” – the crusty old prospector in her first book. You know, the one that fell in love with the “fallen woman.” (Women must have tripped a lot in the Old West. Probably over rattlesnakes.)

For her final answer she claims there’s a little bit of my personality in Ari, but more in Brand – characters from the current series. She also says that it has to do with having a sense of humor, which I flatly deny.

I suspect it might be that they aren’t the kind of guys that always remember to wipe their feet before they come into the house.

Mr. DiPasqua: If you had create a title for your own romance with your wife, what would that title be?

Mr. Hendrix:  Lost in Paradise.

Mr. DiPasqua:  Thanks so much for participating in the A MIDNIGHT DANCE Blog Party. I think your story should be turned into a book. Time traveling alpha male IT guy marries former belly dancer, turned successful author! Sounds like a hit to me. By the way, if you can work the sock puppet into a secondary character, I think you got yourself a bestseller.  One last question: What would you like us to know about your wife’s latest or upcoming release?

Mr. Hendrix:  You’re welcome, and thank you for inviting me — it’s been fun! I don’t often sit down and think about how this all works, or how we got to wherever it is we are now.

Lisa’s third book in the Immortal Brotherhood series – IMMORTAL CHAMPION – came out in January. It’s about Gunnar, who I’ve seen referred to on Twitter as “Mmm…Gunnar,” and his lady love. Lisa’s currently finishing up the fourth book in the series, IMMORTAL DEFENDER, which is Torvald’s story; it will be out next August.

The Immortal Brotherhood books have magic spells and talismans, and funny bits, and bits where people get naked, and battles between good folks and evil folks, and sometimes it’s hard to know where a new character is going to land. Sure, they’re romances and so have a happy ending – for some of the characters, at least – but if you’re a fan of anything paranormal, or any kind of fantasy, or Vikings, or tales of myth and magic, you’ll love these. Oh, and even though they’re a series, each book stands on its own, so you can jump in anywhere. Check out excerpts at Lisa’s website.

IMMORTAL CHAMPION and the rest of the Immortal Brotherhood books are available in paper from your favorite bookseller, and in digital on Kindle, Nook, Kobo, and other ebook formats.

GIVEAWAY:To celebrate David’s (somewhat unwilling but highly supportive) public debut as a writer, Lisa will be giving away TWO signed copies of IMMORTAL CHAMPION, along with a set of the official Immortal Brotherhood Romance Trading Cards to random commenters who answer the following question:

Who is the most supportive person in your life and how do they show you how much they love you?


To win you must:

1. Answer Mr. Hendrix’s question or leave a comment below—We’re men. We can take it. 🙂 Remember: the more you comment, the greater your chances at winning the GRAND PRIZE.

2. You MUST be a follower/subscriber of Lila DiPasqua’s blog (through Google Friend Connect).

3. Must be at least 18 years of age.

4. Winner will be selected at random on SUNDAY.

Ways to increase your odds at winning are found at the very bottom of this blog.


Mr. DiPasqua: It was great fun talking to you, Mr. Hendrix!  Okay, everyone, let’s hear your responses!  🙂

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12 years ago

These blog posts are fantastic! I look forward to them.
Great answers. You husbands have been just wonderful and so creative in your answers. The belly dancing comments made me smile.


Virginia C
Virginia C
12 years ago

Hello, Mr. Hendrix! You are extremely well self-trained and quite astute! You’re a keeper : ) My friend author Renee Vincent is a great source of support and inspiration in my life. She lets me share her blogspot once a month, is a fellow “GB” devotee, and she even lets me call her “little sister”. These last few years have been the most difficult of my life, and my friendship with Renee has helped me to make it through some very tough times. If you see her picture, and her mega-watt smile, you can’t help but smile yourself! Having the… Read more »

12 years ago

That’s awesome that you have been married so long. My husband and I will be having our 23rd anniversary in October. Defintely don’t blame you for wanting ot have your wife write a series that takes place on some tropical island. My husband and I get to escape next week for a short getaway to Puerto Rico without kids.I loved how you mentioned how writers are observers. Last night I was thinking about the same thing and was wondering if you ever feel like self conscious when you are doing something, ie your mannerisms, how you are doing something or… Read more »

12 years ago

I’m loving these blogs! Thanks so much for taking the time to share with the readers!! Now to the question….My husband is the most supportive person in my life……we share everything and make decisions together about everything( kids don’t have a chance pulling one by us) Were a great team!!

Maryella Scharnhorst
Maryella Scharnhorst
12 years ago

“Here, here!” on all that fabulous advice I think any spouse or significant other would greatly apreciate! As for the ‘banana/pickle/pizza sandwich’ that concoction sounds only too familiar when my household puts together our illusive ‘whats in the refridgerator-left-over meal!’ Thanks Mr. Hendrix for the laughs, there’s nothing more appealing in a gentleman than phenomenal humor with a hint of geek hahaha! My question is geographical…Seeing you have keen afection for sailing, have you and your wife ever had the chance to visit the San Juan Islands up there in the Pugent Sound..?(my husbands from Orcas). I think it would… Read more »

12 years ago

Loved the interview Mr Hendrix such good advice you sound a wonderfull RH!Just a pity about the rattlesnake thing as I have a soft spot for western romances :)Perhaps research for a paranormal belly dancing snake charmer instead! sorry 🙂
My husband of 37 years is the most supportive person in my life as I am for him. We know each other pretty well by now!
GFC follower from the UK

12 years ago

Great interview. I loved your answers.
My husband is the most supportive person in my life. To show me he loves me, he likes to do every day things like putting gas in my car, airing up my tires and cleaning the kitchen to make my day easier. He also leaves love notes and cards for me to find.

Dave Hendrix
Dave Hendrix
12 years ago


“Lost In Paradise” was the short version.

I didn’t think the full title was marketable. It would be something like “When You’re Lost In Paradise, Don’t Stop To Ask For Directions Because You Know As A Guy That The Guy Code Doesn’t Allow For That”.

Rebecca WS
Rebecca WS
12 years ago

Does Amazon carry this “How to Murder Your Nerd” book of which you speak? I need to find a copy, Lol.

Love the interviews!

Dave Hendrix
Dave Hendrix
12 years ago

Virginia C:

Sad to say that I’m not really self trained. I’m something of a slow learner, actually. In the past, people have had to resort to using a phrase like “get ready for a hint.”

But I do catch on with repetition, or if the carrot is attractive enough…

Dave Hendrix
Dave Hendrix
12 years ago

Rebecca WS:

Depending on the Nerd, you don’t really need the book. Just cancel Internet access, and shut down the power for a couple of days.

Or book a vacation at a resort where there is no cell signal…

Usually just a couple of days is enough.

Cathy P
Cathy P
12 years ago

Loved this blog! Mr. Hendrix, you have a great sense of humor even if you do consider yourself a nerd. Nerds are special.

My husband is the one who is most supportive of me. We have been married for 38 years now. He has always stood by my side, telling me he loves me constantly, and doing things to back up the talk. We have stood together through thick and thin, and I couldn’t ask for a better helpmate and love.

Dave Hendrix
Dave Hendrix
12 years ago

Ora: Wow — Puerto Rico and without the kids? I can’t even imagine. We’re looking at the prospect of being “empty nesters” in a couple of years, and it boggles the mind. Maybe the dance costume will come back out. Oh, and Virginia C: One thing I should have said is that RHs should definitely do everything possible to encourage the Writer to find other writers. The payback for “having to” wrangle dinner, kids, job and pets for a once-a-month writer’s group meeting, a week-long writer’s conference, or a book tour is well worth it. Not just because you’ll have… Read more »

Dave Hendrix
Dave Hendrix
12 years ago

Maryella Scharnhorst:

We’ve never sailed the San Juans, though it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. We lived in the Puget Sound area for about ten years, and loved it. We managed to get to the Wooden Boat show in Port Townsend a few times for inspiration, and I was lucky enough to get to sail on the Adventuress once.

But we definitely need to buy that sailboat for her, and move back north…

12 years ago

Great interview! The most supportive person (people) in my life are my parents because they support all the choices I make and still coddle me a bit while I’m still in college.

GFC follower
Facebook Fan/Jeanette Juan
Joined Lila’s Yahoo Newsletter group

Beverly Diehl
Beverly Diehl
12 years ago

Now I know why Lisa wears such a big smile. Entertaining hubby. Can I win the pity vote? I really don’t have a single supportive person in my writing life. I used to have a boyfriend, but he’d interrupt me whenever I was in a writing groove, and throw jealous spazzes when I’d go to crit group, and… hence the past tense on b-f. I do have a large extended family, and they cheer me on, in their own way, when they have time. But my biggest support comes from the community of other writers – my fabulous crit group,… Read more »

Johanna J
Johanna J
12 years ago

I’m loving this! I’m having a blast reading about the “husbands” of romance writers. Thanks so much for sharing with us!
Your wife is a new to me author but I will be adding her books to my wish list now!
My sister is a big supporter of mine! We don’t see each other often but I know she is always there for me!

Facebook fan

12 years ago

Great interview! I’ll have to mention ‘sock puppet’ to my husband.:) I love your description of the Immortal Brotherhood books, MrHendrix – and I’m definitely a fan of the paranormal and Vikings, of fantasy and magic, so these books are going on my tbr list!

Danielle Gorman
Danielle Gorman
12 years ago
Carol L.
Carol L.
12 years ago

I love this Dance party. All these wonderful husbands have a great sense of humor.I love their advice and the pride in their woman’s writing. :)I look forward to another tomorrow. Thanks guys.GFC follower under Lucky47.
Pavement Princess +5
Yahoo group member +5

Carol L
Lucky4750(at) aol (dot) com

Lisa Hendrix
Lisa Hendrix
12 years ago

I see my dear husband has been visiting already.

He really is a doll, and the humor is real and constant. He got it from his parents, who had a long marriage full of groans from bad puns.

Kati R
Kati R
12 years ago

Oh Mr. Hendrix, I just snorted quite a bit of coffee as I read your answers. The baristas at Starbucks were glaring at me after I giggled a little too loud as to what you answer when people ask you about the inspiration for the love scenes. The most supportive person in my life is my husband. He cooks and cleans when I’m not feeling up to it. Or when he gets tired of seeing the dishes all piled up and the floor streaked with who knows what. =) Q: If you were asked for a cover quote for Lisa’s… Read more »

Mandy B
Mandy B
12 years ago

The most supportive person in my life has to be my mother. No matter what she has stood by me and helped me get through everything I needed help with. At least as of right now she is the only person who has been around for the long haul

12 years ago

Mr Hendrix

Firstly I am loving the Brotherhood series Lisa’s writing is so so good.

I have lots of supportive people around me my hubby and my children but the most would be my hubby he is always happy to help me with anything I choose to do and push a bit if needed.

Maybe you could do a bit of exploring down under in Australia where I live

Have Fun

12 years ago

My sister’s would have to be my biggest support in my life. They are behind me all the way when it comes to things I want to do or I believe in. They are always there when I need them.

12 years ago

I’d have to say that the person most supportive in my life is my husband. He’s very good at letting me know how much he loves me, sometimes with just the touch of his hand. We tend to look at the changes life throws our way as new adventures to be enjoyed. And, we’ve had some wonderful adventures! A sense of humor, for me, is a very sexy attribute. So far, all the RH’s have exhibited a great sense of humor – assuming the wives find it sexy, too! Has the release of a new book or getting a new… Read more »

12 years ago

Great interview, I really enjoy reading the guys side of things. My husband is my greatest supporter. Recently I had the opportunity for a job position to move up, but it would require him doing more of the day care pickups/being home without me around some nights with our three kids (under the age of two, yes there is a multiple there). He told me that if this was something I wanted to do he would make it work for me. And if I am having a bad day/stressed out he makes sure I have a little time to go… Read more »

Dave Hendrix
Dave Hendrix
12 years ago

Kati R:

I think it best that I don’t get asked for that in real life. If the point of a cover quote is to get people interested in reading the book, I’m the wrong fella for the job.

If I *had* to say something, though, I’d probably say “The most awesome book series you’ll ever read. Collect the whole set!”

But I’d include a disclaimer: “* All stunts were performed by professionals. Shape-changing vikings were monitored during the production of this series by an independent agency to verify they were not mistreated in any way.”

Dave Hendrix
Dave Hendrix
12 years ago


Australia does look like a lot of fun. I hear you guys have an ocean somewhere near there, and I know there’s good stuff to drink…

12 years ago

Hi Mr. Hendrix,
I love paranormals and historical romances and your wife is a new author to me. I will keep check out her books.

My family is my support system. They support me in different ways but show them in the everyday; the food they cook, the advice they give and the encouragement to do whatever I put my mind to.

Thank you for joining the dance!

GFC follower

Nas Dean
Nas Dean
12 years ago

Hi Mr Hendrix,

I’m one of the Mmmm…Gunnar! girls on twitter!

Great reading about you and Lisa from you.

Mr Hendrix, LOST IN PARADISE? First you have to bring her over to Paradise, before getting lost here!

Dave Hendrix
Dave Hendrix
12 years ago

Karen, Nope, book releases and new contracts don’t seem to ever get old. Especially the surprise ones when a new foreign publication of a book shows up. It’s really pretty cool to realize that your wife is a “global phenomenon”. I think the “special thing” we do is when we both make a dash for the calendar in hopes that someone has added a few new months in there. “Blarguary? I’ll take it!” She goes to her office to have a panic attack and start planning, and I start checking for essentials — conferences I can sign up for out… Read more »

Dave Hendrix
Dave Hendrix
12 years ago

Nas Dean:

The only time I’d ever be accused of getting lost would be when she’s in the car, so…

Dave Hendrix
Dave Hendrix
12 years ago


…coffee with something in it, that is…

12 years ago

My husband is the most supportive person in my life. Growing up, my goals and ideas were different from the rest of my family. It was hard for them to understand me, let alone support me. My husband is my soulmate. We have many similar interests and find it easy to encourage and support one another. We pick up the slack when the other needs a bit of help or some space. From what I have seen of other marriages, I am one of the lucky ones. We respect each other, give each other space, and support each other’s interests.… Read more »

12 years ago

Mr.H – you have a great sense of humor (for an IT guy). That seems to be a trend in the RH’s so far. Do any of the heroes in Lisa’s books emulate your style of humor?

sallans d at yahoo dot com

ps I wasn’t familiar with Lisa’s books, but you can tell her you are an excellent ambassador and I’ll keep my eye out for them

12 years ago

Well, THAT was a great interview! So fun!

Robin D
robindpdx (at) yahoo (dot) com

Dave Hendrix
Dave Hendrix
12 years ago


I would say yes, except that none of them seems to be that fond of bad puns. They all do seem to have (or at some point grow) a sense of humor, which might be the only way to cope with the heroine.

The heroine might have the same need, I hasten to add.

One of the things I enjoy about all Lisa’s books is that there are sure to be things to laugh about, just like in real life.

12 years ago

Wow… a guy who cooks and cleans up and doesn’t complain about it? How lucky is your wife! 🙂 Sounds like a terrific marriage. 🙂 Now I know where your wife gets all her happy-ever-after endings. 🙂

Mr. DiPasqua
Mr. DiPasqua
12 years ago

Thanks everyone for coming out. See everyone tomorrow! Mr. Hendrix, I’m still laughing. Great interview.

Lisa Hendrix–Thanks for being here, too!

Mr. D

Lisa Hendrix.
Lisa Hendrix.
12 years ago

Mr. DiPasqua —

We had a great time—David with writing the questions, and me with watching him have so much fun. He doesn’t get many opportunities to shine in public, and I love that you gave him this chance. Thanks, and I’ll be watching for the winners’ names.

12 years ago

Mr. Hendrix should write more often; he’s so wry and funny!

I have many supportive people in my life: my family, my boyfriend, my friends. I feel very lucky!

GFC follower
ironss [at] gmail [dot] com
Twitter follower (@infinitieh)
Fan on Facebook (@S G-s Tieh)
Yahoo Newsletter group member (@infinitieh)

12 years ago

My husband is my best supporter! He is great at housework too! :o)
I really love this blog. Its great hearing about the RHs and Mr Hendrix’s interview is really fun and informative too. I must tell my hubby about all the advice he gave! :o)

GFC follower/international

12 years ago

Fun interview! Great answers and questions. Its always fun to see how everyone answers. The person most supportive person in my life is my mom. She pushes me and makes me reach for more. She always supports me in any decision, right or wrong, that i make. I can always talk to her.

12 years ago

My sister would be the most supportive. She is always there for me through good times & bad. She encourages me to take calculate risks I would otherwise not dare to.

GFC: Mary Preston
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